It’s all about Pinks & Sloths…

It’s all about Pinks & Sloths…

Josh’s princess loves the color pink! And sloths! Her favorite color is pink and Josh’s favorite color is red. Chloe always says pink is the softer side of red <grin>. She has a brand new bedroom coming and we gave…

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Daddy’s Princess…

Daddy’s Princess…

I know Joshua would be so proud of her. They were superglue for sure. They would both light up when they saw each other, and she would run into his arms open wide for a big hug. She’s growing right…

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Deep in Thought…

Deep in Thought…

Princess Chloe gets deep in thought just like Josh did. They deeply think and they deeply love. She randomly asked me if she has to change her last name when she gets married. I asked her what made her think…

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