Unfortunately, none of us are exempt from pain. We know the pain all too well from losing our precious Joshua, at only 22 yrs of age; and our Gracie at 3 months pregnant. Whether it’s the pain of losing a loved one; a broken relationship; abuse of some kind; addiction, rejection, or depression; or suffering from shame, guilt, or regret….pain hurts! And it hurts worse at times in our lives than other times.
I had to let Jesus come and sit in my mess and pain with me. It was the only way I knew I would ever begin to heal. Just as we detox our bodies from harmful toxins, we have to detox our hearts and emotions from severe pain to receive healing. Pain abruptly comes upon us in different ways and takes on many forms, causing the stress and trauma to get lodged into our bodies, and therefore causing deep roots that can start showing up as sickness, illness, and roller-coaster emotions.
Pain is unavoidable and it lingers like nasty breath. It will either destroy us or transform us. We have to step inside the pain and feel the messiness of it, or it will stay trapped inside of us, poisoning us with the toxins of hate, rage, anger, bitterness, resentment, and un-forgiveness. We have to face our pain; sit in the messiness of it with no resistance or barrier walls; because if we don’t feel the toxins of our pain then we don’t know we need to detox from it. There’s no hiding from the toxins of pain. It builds and builds until we are so heavily weighted down.
Through the detox, let the tears come and cry as many tears that are needed and just let them pour out. Don’t stop them! They are part of detoxing and healing. Shout as many screams as needed and as loud as you need to! We have to use the messiness and realness of our pain to detox from the pain into healing.
When we detox our bodies, we consume organic, wholesome, and purifying drinks and foods. We do the same for detoxing our pain for healing by spending as much time needed with God to consume His organic love, grace, and mercy to be able to release our pain to Him. God’s perfect love and healing fills the space of toxins as we detox and release our pain unto Him.
We detox as we reconcile our pain to God’s perfect love. And always remember, detoxing for healing is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time; and something we have to do consistently. Your pain is worth detoxing to receive healing for living a life of freedom.
I choose to detox my pain for healing. Will you choose it too?
We’re in this life together…so let’s encourage each other to cross the finish line strong!
Hugs, Love & Blessings ~ Audrey